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Our Projects

Seminars on Service Rules
We organise different seminars on service rules, code of conduct etc to keep our members updated with latest knowledge.

Seminars on Right to Information Act (2005)
We organise different seminars on Right to Information Act (2005) and its implementation etc to train our members to file applications and appeals with latest knowledge.

Legal Cover Plan
We provide complete legal facilities to our members to file RTI applications before different PIOs and file cases in Honourable CIC, CAT, SC/ST Commission, Minority Commission, Women Commision, NHRC, Session Courts, High Court and the Apex Court of India.

Teachers Welfare Plan Top

We run many welfare plans for the teachers and their family members.

We introduce, promote and help small Self Help Groups of Educationists for mutual financial help.

We place advertisements of their needs on website of DELTA and other websites in our network, Blogs of Educationists almost free.

They can place advertisements of Coaching Classes, Career Counselling being provided by them, Buy and sell of Property and Goods, Home Loan guidance, Personal Loan guidance, Insurance Advisory services, Guidance being provided for Competitive Entrance Exams, Guidance for admission in Teacher Training Courses available in INDIA, Online Classses for Indian and International students, Innovations and Discoveries, Projects, Models, TLMs, New Concepts, Ideas developed by Educationists, Blogs and Books written etc.


Social Network Plan
Our website joins teachers and their family members together to form a strong social network to help each other.
Social Awards Plan
We select best teachers from our community from general opinions, mandate and honour them.

Current Projects
We are going to
-- Organise all Educationists against wrong pay fixations.
-- Struggle for availabity of Earned Leave.

-- File cases against use of CCTV ( Close Circuit Television ) in classrooms.
-- Oppose extension of school timings
-- Oppose extra duties during vacations , arrangement periods
-- Prepare list of suspended and terminated teachers to help them
-- Help teachers alleged for corporal punishment.
-- Demand many clarifications under RTI Act.

Our Interests
-- To act as a platform for legal approach and assistance
-- To seek assistance directly from Honourable Judiciary
-- To welcome renowned Educationists, innovative ideas and technology
-- To struggle for better salary structures and service conditions for teachers
-- To act as safeguard of protective covers under CCS rules framed by the
   constitution of INDIA
-- To help victims of wrong policies by providing legal and financial help
    to appeal in courts
-- To provide financial and legal help to suspended and terminated teachers
-- To oppose privatisation, contract based appointments and misuse of Govt.
    funds, public money
-- To provide legal, financial and moral help to victims of sting-operations,
    defamation, malice, prejudice and dictatorship
-- To keep democratic and welfare nature of education for the poor,
    underprivileged and child labour
-- To organise people against corruption and identify targets for interference
    of Honourable Judiciary
-- To keep all Educationists updated with recent changes in educational
    patterns, examinations, assessments, service rules and code of
    conducts etc
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