1. |
The organisation is a forum of all those educationists, lawyers, NGO, institutions and parents that wish to give a right direction to the present scenario of education |
Educationists- All like minded teachers, principals, officials, journalists who want to do something new in the field of education and who think that all teachers are not bad ones and good teachers should be encouraged and rewarded.
Lawyers-There is certainly a section of good lawyers who have sympathy with teachers and their duties. They usually knock the doors of Judiciary and file PIL (Public Interest Litigations) on different issues regarding conditions of schools, teachers and taught. We welcome all of them and wish a helping hand.
NGO- Some good works came in light when some organisations did better for free education, girl child education, child labour and bringing the unprivileged to the schools. We respect such a tempo and seek their assistance to streamline their efforts too on the real labs on grounds, the schools.
Institutions-Some institutions like Parent-Teacher Associations, Bar Councils, Bachpan Bachao Abhiyan, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan etc are really beneficial for education and such democratic sentiments should be preserved to educate common mass on humanitarian basis. When everything is going to submit before the market what will be the fate of the theory of welfare state? We seek assistance from such institutions.
Parents-The public is the strongest side of the democracy. The opinion of general public is not in favour of us. But a small section of parents are sure in our support who think that only teachers are not responsible for deteriorating conditions of education. We have to start with a positive outlook of such parents and bring them together.
2. |
The forum works as a bridge between educational set ups and the Honourable Judiciary only.
We never believe in Dharna Pradarshan, Hunger strike, Gherao, indefinite strikes etc because these are not looking more useful today. If we feel that the attention of the Honourable Judiciary must be drawn on a particular matter, department, official, school or a person then our advocates may send a legal notice to that official, department or directly file a PIL (Public Interest Litigation) in a legitimate court.
The education needs better teachers. But the present system is discouraging the spirit of dedication and this is one of the greatest losses of this decade. The present age have no respect for this profession and good teachers. Teachers are not well paid and many unemployed youth and teen-aged girls are facing exploitations in mushrooming schools in every street of India. The teachers of Government Schools are comparatively well paid but their service conditions are not well. Their fundamental rights are not preserved and they are facing many problems, which are beyond imaginations. One thinks that getting a job in a Government school is like a lottery, but the realities are not so. Many Government school teachers are suffering from anxiety, depression, hypertension, loss of appetite, hair loss, loss of memory and heart attacks, which shows that the working conditions are not better, as dreamed.
What you can say if water and toilets are not available in schools and staff rooms? Is it not surprising to say that many offices are air-conditioned or air-cooled and even class IV employees of those offices are getting all facilities available there? But even broken chairs are not available to all teachers in INDIA, the country of “Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu…………
On the other hand, public schooling system is dependent on exploitation and money-making mentality only. The teachers are either from the middle class unemployed youth who want to use their merit and spare time or housewives of higher societies who want to keep them engaged anyway.
We see the fortune bright only if the Honourable Judiciary dictates the terms for appointments and service conditions.
4. |
The forum provides financial and legal help to those teachers who are seeking help from the Honourable Judiciary and fighting cases individually in different Courts. |
Sometimes some energetic steps come out from an individual for the betterment of education. Common man and teachers approach courts and file cases against a particular problem. They arrange advocates and court fee and face a lot of problems for solving social causes. If he looses the case, the whole teaching society gets defeat. If he wins the whole society gets profits, but no one pays for the finance incurred by that individual teacher or the common man. Our responsibility lies here to provide financial and legal help to those flag-bearers and we are dedicated for it.
5. |
The forum provides financial and legal help to those teachers who are facing suspension or termination orders by the education departments of different levels of Governments of the Union and the States. |
The suspension and termination of a teacher is very well defined in CCS rules and the welfare and democratic nature of constitution of India always supports the teachers. The officials with a dictator mind set always try to refuse this sentiment of our Constitution and try to force us in middle ages. Such un-democratic moves will be always opposed in a civilized society. We help good teachers only to see the Honourable Judiciary as our ultimate retreat and provide financial and legal help to them. Our area of work is now limited in Delhi, the capital of India only but very soon it will be spread up to the whole country in coming months.
6. |
The forum helps all those teachers who are victims of wrong policy makers in the field of education and provide moral and legal support to them. |
We Indians are still doing experiments on policies in education from the first day of independence. We chalk out policies on blackboards and erase with dusters…….perhaps this comment says all about education.
Can you tell us about ten methods by which a teacher must maintain discipline in schools without ignoring the present policies on punishments?
We cannot allow mobiles or mobiles with camera in schools because its misuse proved hazardous in past years. On the other hand, we are dedicated for the online CCTV (Close Circuit Televisions) in schools. What is the guarantee and safety of this recording in the world of hackers?
7. |
The forum fights for all innocent victims of sting-operations, malice, prejudices, defamation and dictatorship and provides financial and legal support to all its members. |
The trend to defame teachers is the most discouraging thing for us. All teachers are not bad,yet we all are not good too. Is it justified to say that a large section of lakhs of teachers are bad elements of the society?
In a recent survey done by a group (ORG-MARG) in MUMBAI states that teachers are still on the first rank of reliability and honesty parameters in the society and amazing to say that their ranking is above the doctors also.
What we got in the case of UMA KHURANA ! A large section of media and journalists came in favour of that teacher and this section criticized, opposed their own media persons spontaneously who tried ‘Yellow Journalism”. Now that lady is the icon of prejudice, malice, defamation and she inspires us to stand boldly against all the tides.
Our responsibility is to provide financial and legal assistance to those teachers who get allegations under physical abuse, exploitations and physical punishments.
Our data says that more than 90% cases are based on personal animosity.
8. |
The forum welcomes all suggestions and other legal approaches, which may affect policies of central and state governments. |
Sometimes good ideas, suggestions and legal approaches, finding come from the society. Some good decisions were done by Honourable Judiciary when some alert people knocked the doors of the courts like providing basic amenities in schools, lack of teaching staff, abolition of duties of teachers on non-teaching activities, admission of poor and weaker sections in society etc and we appreciate such positive outlook.
9. |
The forum organises different seminars on service rules and code of conducts and keep our members up to date to fight against all wrong policies adopted by governing officials. |
There is no facility of training of teachers on the rules and regulations, terms and conditions of appointments, code of conducts, leaves and welfare schemes and many more in the field of education. The motto behind it is hard to understand. There are provisions of training of employees before their appointments in banks, railways, I.A.S, subordinate services etc then why not this is being extended to education also? We are made tuned from time to time to echo according to the notations to teach well but not accustomed to know the rules of the music.We are arranging many seminars to keep knowledge of our members up to date in code of conducts, rights, duties, welfare schemes, leaves, transfers, promotions etc.
Andheron ko kosne se achha hai, Aao ek diya jalayen…