Andheron ko kosne se achha hai Aao ek diya jalayen…
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Welcome to the forum of those flag bearers who march towards Judiciary for the betterment of education.........
The present age may be called as the ‘age of information’. Everybody wants to provide best education to his or her child. It is possible only on the availability of good teachers. But unfortunately guardians and the teachers both are not satisfied with the present scenario of education. The management (Private or Government) is blaming teachers for their non–compliance and the teachers are not happy with their governing officials, management, parents, students, media and everyone. Then what will the fate of the education?
We see the fortune in Honourable Judiciary ONLY............
Teachers are not happy with their officers and it may harm the present Govt. in coming elections.
Yes              No
Last poll -Do you agree with the installation of camera in class rooms.
Total - 1872
Yes - 149 (8%)     No - 1723 (92%)
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